Welcome to The Library's College of Arts and Social Sciences blog!

Welcome to CASS Library News. This blog is produced by the library's College of Arts and Social Sciences Academic Support Team to keep CASS staff and students up-to-date. It is updated regularly with new and important news such as improvements in the library, where to get subject specific help and other useful information!

Friday, 23 December 2011

Interactive maps of historical London now available!

Researchers have unveiled a new interactive map that reveals London’s social history in unprecedented detail, enabling users to explore everything from the world’s first gay scene to eighteenth century riots.

Locating London’s Past is a new JISC-funded website that lets users delve deep into the capital’s past, revolutionising our understanding of London’s history. The website is the first to map information from a vast array of sources, covering:

• crime and punishment
• the distribution of wealth, poverty and occupations
• the ownership of consumer goods
• mortality

Using the new website, people are now able to explore fully geo-referenced detail using Google maps technology to reveal the distribution of crimes, wealth and poverty, mortality, archaeological finds, voting records and much more.

See how historical data can illuminate life in eighteenth century London and find out more about the project: http://www.locatinglondon.org/.

Visit the Old Bailey online: http://www.oldbaileyonline.org/.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

e-book survey - win a £20 Amazon gift voucher!

The Library is currently undertaking a survey in order to find out what people think about e-books. We would like to know your views so if you would like to complete the survey and have the chance of winning a £20 Amazon gift voucher, please complete the survey which can be found here:

More infomation about e-books - what they are, how you can access them and where you can get help using them - is also available following this link.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Library Christmas Opening Hours

This year we will be opening the Clifford Library every day over the Christmas week, 12 noon to 6pm. This is to provide study facilities for our members, especially our international students, who remain in Salford over the holiday.

The Library will be self service only and an ID card will be essential to gain entry.

24/7 opening will end at midnight on the 16th December.

Standard vacation hours:
Saturday 17/12/11 – Friday 23/12/11 (NB closed Saturday 17th)

Christmas opening (12 to 6pm):
Saturday 24/12/11 – Monday 02/01/12

24/7 opening: Tuesday 03/01/12 – Friday 20/01/12

Please refer to the Library web pages for specific opening times for Clifford Whitworth and information for other sites:

The Adelphi and Allerton Libraries will offer vacation opening from the 17th to the 23rd Dec and will be closed over the Christmas period.

Information Literacy Week: 28th Nov – 2nd Dec 2011

Do you find it easy to find the information you need for your assignments? Do you know how to reference your work correctly? If the answer is no, then you need information literacy skills.
Information literacy skills can help you find and evaluate information quickly and effectively. Developing your critical thinking skills can lead to better results.

A range of activities, for students and staff, are taking place across the University during Information Literacy Week, to raise awareness of the importance of information literacy.
Take a look at our programme at http://www.informationliteracy.salford.ac.uk/prog/ which features a number of activities taking place during the week. These include practical drop-in sessions and workshops – all designed to raise awareness of the importance of information literacy.

Please encourage your students to come along to the hands-on sessions, covering a range of topics on how to:

· find information
· get the most from SOLAR
· reference their work
· use Turnitin: the University’s e-submission tool

For most of the activities don’t require you to book – but check the programme at http://www.informationliteracy.salford.ac.uk/prog/ for details.

Turnitin drop-ins still available!

There are still some Turnitin drop-ins running through November and December. If you want help using Turnitin, or just want to learn more about it you can come along to one of the sessions.

24/11/2011 14:00-15:00 Adelphi Library Seminar Room
25/11/2011 14:00-15:00 Allerton Library Seminar Room
28/11/2011 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209
30/11/2011 14:00-15:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209
02/12/2011 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209
09/12/2011 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209
12/12/2011 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209
15/12/2011 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209
05/01/2012 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209
09/01/2012 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209
11/01/2012 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209
12/01/2012 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209

They are free and you do not need to book - just turn up.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

New ProQuest Platform

A few months ago, we told you about the new platform from ProQuest

The old platforms - CSA Illumina and ProQuest legacy - will be switched off in early January 2011, and all users from Salford will be re-directed to the new platform.

If you have any questions or concerns about this, do raise them with the Library, and we will endeavour to assist you.

From January, if you have any saved searches or alters in the previous platforms, you will be able to transfer them over to the new platform automatically using the Import to My Research feature which will be available, or manually using the instructions here.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

New - Box of Broadcasts now available!

You can now access Box of Broadcasts from SOLAR!

BoB is a TV scheduling service that allows you to record TV and radio programmes that are scheduled to be broadcast over the next seven days as well as retrieving programmes from the last seven days from a selected list of recorded channels. It also has an archive of recorded programmes going back several years that you can use. It is likely to be of considerable use across all subject areas for providing streamed video material for teaching purposes.

To access Box of Broadcasts, just choose the Find Databases link, then choose Box of Broadcasts from the A-Z list. You will need your Athens username and password to access the resource, even on campus.

Library drop-in clinic at Media City

Andy Callen, the Academic Support Librarian for Media Music & Performance, provides a Tuesday clinic at Media City 1pm to 4pm – just turn up any time within these hours and ask for him at the Student Support Desk on the First Floor.

It is for MMP students and staff based at Media City.

Andy can provide one-to-one help with:

· Finding books and journal articles for your Assignments and Dissertations
· Harvard Referencing
· Electronic submission of work using Turnitin

It is also an opportunity to discuss the provision of books and other library materials at Media City.

Please contact Andy Callen on 0161 295 6183 or at A.Callen@salford.ac.uk for more details.

Friday, 28 October 2011

New resource: Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology Online

The Library now has access to a new resource - Blackwell's Encyclopedia of Sociology Online. Blackwell's Encyclopedia of Sociology Online is "a vast resource giving instant access to the most authoritative and up-to-date scholarship in the field of sociology" and is "updated three times a year", and with "over 100 new articles already added, this resource ensures that you are kept abreast of the latest developments in the field". To access this new resource, you will need to access SOLAR via the student channel, select Find Databases and search for Blackwell's Encyclopedia of Sociology Online. You will need your Athens username and password to access the resource from home.

If you would like help accessing this resource, please contact your Academic Support Librarian (see the where to get help link on the left-hand side). Take a look!

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Turnitin drop-in sessions now scheduled!

Turnitin drop-in sessions are now running for students. If you want help using Turnitin, or just want to learn more about it you can come along to one of the sessions. They are free and you do not need to book - just turn up.

Drop-in sessions are scheduled for:

04/11/2011 10:00-11:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209

07/11/2011 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209

09/11/2011 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209

11/11/2011 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209

11/11/2011 12:00-13:00 Allerton Library Seminar Room

14/11/2011 10:00-11:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209

17/11/2011 14:00-15:00 Adelphi Library Seminar Room

17/11/2011 14:00-15:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209

18/11/2011 14:00-15:00 Allerton Library Seminar Room

21/11/2011 09:00-10:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209

24/11/2011 14:00-15:00 Adelphi Library Seminar Room

25/11/2011 14:00-15:00 Allerton Library Seminar Room

28/11/2011 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209

30/11/2011 14:00-15:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209

02/12/2011 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209

09/12/2011 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209

12/12/2011 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209

15/12/2011 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209

05/01/2012 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209

09/01/2012 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209

11/01/2012 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209

12/01/2012 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209

Further information is available on the Turnitin webpages: http://www.salford.ac.uk/library/help/turnitin

Friday, 15 July 2011

New e-journals now available!

In the past few months, the Library has started subscriptions to the following new journals:

Print journals held at Adelphi Library:

MovieArtsProfessional (arts administration journal)
Creative (promotion/ marketing journal, useful for Advertising students in particular)
Games TM (computer games current awareness journal)

E-Journals – access from “Find E-journal” in E-Library:
Comedy Studies
Contemporary Theatre Review
Feminist Media Studies
Jazz Perspectives (important jazz research journal)
Journal of British Cinema and Television
Photography and Culture (useful for Photography students amongst others)
Journal of Sociolinguistics (now available 1997 onwards)
Language Variation and Change (now available 1999 onwards)
English Language and Linguistics (now available 1999 onwards)
Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (now available 1999 onwards and paper copies 1985-1987 and 1995)

Please note – you’ll need your Athens username and password to access the e-journals off-campus. Please contact your Academic Support Librarian if you need any help in using these resources - contact details can be found here: http://www.library.salford.ac.uk/subjects/. Take a look!

Dissertation time!

Many students are undertaking their dissertations at this time of year. If you are one of them and would like help finding resources, you can book a one-to-one session with you Academic Support Librarian. Your librarian can help you with a range of things, such as the best way of searching for materials, how to use the library catalogue and e-library efficiently and how you can access resources from home, as well as introducing you to the different types of materials you have access to at Salford University. To book an appointment, you can use the online booking sheet found here at: http://www.library.salford.ac.uk/subjects/. To find your Academic Support Librarian, simply select your subject area from the drop-down menu. You will then be taken to their page. Scroll down to the bottom to find the booking form.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

New Academic Support Librarian Webpage

There is now a new webpage where information can be found for your Academic Support Librarian. The webpage cann be found via the student channel or here, at: http://www.library.salford.ac.uk/subjects/. The webpage contains a lot of useful information, such as details of how your Academic Support Librarian can help you, who they are and contact details as well as links to useful guides and an online enquiry form so that you can ask questions or arrange one-to-one appointments. Take a look!

New full-text access to Arts & Humanities and Social Sciences databases

We will soon have access to the following nine Arts & Humanities and Social Sciences databases:

ABM - ArtBibliographies Modern
BHI - British Humanities Index
DAAI -Design & Applied Arts Index
LLBA - Linguistics & Language Behaviour Abstracts
ASSIA - Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts
LISA - Library & Information Science Abstracts
Sociological Abstracts
Social Services Abstracts
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts

We will also have full-text access to these collections;

PQ Arts & Humanities
PQ Social Science
PQ Sociology
PQ Political Science

You will be able to access these resources from September 2011, so watch this space!

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Introducing Bankscope

Bankscope contains information on 30,000 banks from around the world. You can use it to research individual banks and find banks with specific profiles and analyse them. Bankscope has up to 16 years of detailed accounts for each bank. The information includes:

· Detailed financials - Interim data
· Ratings, and rating reports
· Country risk and country finance reports
· Stock data for listed banks
· Directors and contacts
· Economic country profiles and outlooks
· Business and related news
· M&A deals and rumours

Bankscope can be used on and off-campus via the e-library using your Athens details.

A training session to introduce users to Bankscope will be held on May 11th at 10am in Lady Hale 202 – the training session will last for one hour. To book a place go to: http://www.library.salford.ac.uk/training/courses/ict/calendar.php.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Useful Law Resources Online

You have access to a variety of online law resources, covering legislation, case law and journal articles, which will provide examples of the law from a sociological perspective. The main resources, which are all available via the E-Library, are:

  • Westlaw – provides next day case reporting, over 300,000 full-text case reports and transcripts dating back to the 1200s; consolidated legislation updated daily; a selection of online books; over 100 journals in full text; and national and international news and business updates.

  • Lexis Library – provides coverage of over 500,000 cases with an archive back to the 1500s, including transcripts from specialist law reports, and with recent judgments and digests added daily; the full text of Halsbury’s Laws of England providing an authoritative guide to the law; consolidated legislation updated daily; a wide range of full text journals; and over 160 commentary titles.

  • Lawtel – provides the full text of original statutes as enacted with a facility to trace commencements, amendments and repeals through Statutory Status Tables; extensive daily case law, both reported and unreported back to 1996; and a journals abstracting and indexing service (without full text).

For further information on law resources and how to access them, use the following guide: http://www.library.salford.ac.uk/help/userguides/subject/islaw.pdf

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Eighteenth Century Collections Online

Members of the University now have access to the Eighteenth Century Collections Online This collection has been purchased by JISC, and offers online access to to over 180,000 titles (200,000 volumes) and nearly 33 million pages published between 1701 and 1800. "ECCO Parts 1 and 2 include books and directories, Bibles, sheet music, sermons, advertisements, and works by many well-known and lesser-known authors. Most titles are in English, however scholars will also find material in French, German, Latin, Ancient Greek, Italian and Welsh. Included are works from women writers of the 18th Century, collections on the French Revolution, and numerous editions of the works of Shakespeare. Multiple editions of each individual work are offered to enable scholars to make textual comparisons of the works. New material in ECCO Part 2 includes 96 new editions of Shakespeare and 900 new works and editions by over 400 female authors." JISC Collections Off-campus access to this resource is available using your Athens username and password. These can be found in the passwords file on your F: drive. Photo of Bath's Royal Crescent by Mark Turner

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Potential delays to the British Library Document Supply service

The British Library stores some of its collections in storage buildings in Boston Spa, West Yorkshire.In common with many buildings built at the same time, asbestos was used in the construction of the Boston Spa site, and The British Library has a continuous programme of asbestos detection and removal. The major asbestos removal works currently planned are expected to last for much of 2011. Consequently, there could potentially be delays to some items ordered via our document supply system. However, to minimize the disruption caused by the temporary closure of some areas of The British Library Boston Spa site, we will seek to find an alternative source of supply for items identified as delayed, and we will update our requesters of any delay reported.

IBSS now available through e-library

The International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) is now available to the University. "This database includes over two million bibliographic references to journal articles and to books, reviews and selected chapters dating back to 1951. It is unique in its broad coverage of international material and incorporates over 100 languages and countries. Over 2,800 journals are regularly indexed and some 7,000 books are included each year." The IBSS can be accessed from off-campus with your Athens username & password, which can be found in the passwords file on your F: drive. You can also use this database on the new ProQuest platform. For further information about new electronic resources that are now available, please visit the e-library blog at: http://salfordelibnews.blogspot.com/2011/03/ibss-international-bibliography-of.html.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

New E-Books available

Through an arrangement with our main suppliers, Dawsons, we now have access to some 16,000 new E-Books through the Library catalogue, many in the Media subject area. To get an idea of what is available, try a Keyword search in a subject of interest to you, limiting the search to the E-Book catalogue.

Monday, 14 March 2011

International Times, Oz and Spare Rib journals now available

Fans of the underground press may be interested to know that back copies of International Times (IT), Oz and Spare Rib are now available in our Journals collection at Adelphi Library. These journals will be of interest to anyone looking at alternative media, popular music and culture, women’s issues, and the development of journal typography and illustration. Their holdings are listed on the Library Catalogue:

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Information Literacy Week

Do you find it easy to find the information you need for your assignments? Do you know how to
reference your work correctly? If the answer is no, then you need information literacy skills.
A range of activities for staff and students are taking place across the University during
Information Literacy Week, to raise awareness of the importance of information literacy.

For students
Information skills can help you find and evaluate information quickly and effectively. Developing
your critical thinking skills can lead to better results.

For staff
Embedding information skills into the curriculum can help you enhance the student experience,
helping them to produce quality assignments, whilst enhancing your personal research skills
at the same time.

Information Literacy Week runs from the 14th to 18th March. For further details see: http://www.infolit.salford.ac.uk/.

Remaining Turnitin Drop-in Sessions

There are still some Turnitin drop-in sessions scheduled if you are struggling with submitting work, or want to know more about it. The remaining sessions are:

Clifford Whitworth
Clifford Whitworth Library 208 Wed 16th Mar 2-4pm
Clifford Whitworth Library 208 Mon 21st Mar 11-11pm
Clifford Whitworth Library 208 Mon 28th Mar 11-1pm
Clifford Whitworth Library 208 Fri 1st Apr 9-11am
Clifford Whitworth Library 208 Mon 4th Apr 11-1pm
Clifford Whitworth Library 208 Mon 9th May 11-1pm
Clifford Whitworth Library 208 Mon 16th May 11-1pm
Clifford Whitworth Library 208 Mon 23rd May 11-1pm
Allerton Library Seminar room Fri 11th Mar 2-4pm
Allerton Library Seminar room Fri 18th Mar 2-4pm
Adelphi Library Seminar room Wed 9th Mar 2-4pm
Adelphi Library Seminar room Mon 14th Mar 2-4pm
There is also a new Turnitin webpage, which can be found here at: http://www.library.salford.ac.uk/help/turnitin/. Here you can find information on Turnitin, a help guide and further details of the drop-in sessions.

New Journals for ESPaCH Students

We are pleased to announce that we have now secured funding for some new journals for your subjects. They are:

English Titles:
Journal of British and Irish Innovative Poetry (Electronic Journal)
New Review of Children’s Literature and Librarianship (Electronic Journal)
New Writing, The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing (Electronic Journal)
Keywords (Print journal)
Nomina, Journal for the Society of Name Studies in Britain and Ireland
(Print Journal)
Politics and Contemporary History Titles:
Small War & Insurgencies (Electronic Journal)

Sociology titles:
Cultural Sociology (Electronic Journal)
The Journal of Human Rights Practice (Electronic Journal)
Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal (Electronic Journal)
The e-journals can all be access via e-library (available via the library home page at: http://www.library.salford.ac.uk/ ). The print journals will be on the shelves on the second floor of the Clifford Whitworth library. Please see a member of library staff if you need help in finding any of these titles.

Friday, 4 March 2011

WGSN has now returned to Salford!

We are pleased to announce that the WGSN database is available once more at Salford University! WGSN, which includes images and news items, is described by the publisher as:

"the leading online trend-analysis and research service providing creative and business intelligence for the apparel, style, design and retail industries".

It is known primarily as a Fashion resource, but the subscription version we have now is potentially of use in many areas of Design.

You can find out for yourselves by going to E-Library, choosing Find Database, and choosing WGSN either from the A-Z list or from the Art & Design subject area.

No PIN numbers are required now. Authentication is not now required on campus (apart from Network username and password to enter E-Library). Off campus use, however, can only be set up using the Proxy Server – see instructions at: http://www.library.salford.ac.uk/help/userguides/computing/webauth.pdf

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Lexis Library - New Feature

Lexis Library has added a new feature, LexisNavigator which allows you to search for content in LexisLibrary using legal terms that you come across when carrying out research.

It appears in the Quickfind search box on the Home page as ‘Find a legal term’. The search box allows you to type in legal ‘terms of art’ from which you will get a detailed definition of the term taken from Words and Phrases Legally Defined (4th ed). You will also get links to cases, legislation and narrative definitions from key major works such as Halsbury’s Laws as well as related legal terms.

Justis Parliament

We now subscribe to Justis Parliament, a three million record-strong index to the proceedings and publications of the Houses of Parliament, and the Welsh and Northern Ireland Assemblies, allowing you to search for Parliamentary material from the UK legislatures. It also includes comprehensive hyperlinks to the related full-text databases, such as Hansard. Justis Parliament allows searches in Parliamentary Questions; Bills going through Parliament; Select Committees; and Debates.

You can access Justis Parliament through E-Library (go to Justis and select Parliament from the options at the top of the screen).As it is a very specialised service, the Justis team have offered to come in and carry out training sessions for staff and students. Please let us know if you feel you would benefit from some training by
emailing Nicky Freeman (

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Improvements to music stock at Adelphi

The Library have made a couple of improvements to the music stock at Adelphi Library:
  • The older music books and scores have been reclassified so they now use the same classification system (Dewey) as the newer material. This should make it easier to browse the stock.

  • There are now labelled dividers separating out the different types of music in the CD collection - again making browsing the stock easier.

Go and have a look!

Monday, 31 January 2011

More Turnitin drop-in sessions scheduled

There are now more Turnitin drop-in sessions scheduled for February and March. If tyou need help Turnitin, you are welcome to attend any of the sessions. You do not need to book a place. The sessions are:

Clifford Whitworth
Clifford Whitworth Library 208 Wed 16th Mar 2-4pm
Clifford Whitworth Library 208 Mon 21st Mar 11-11pm
Clifford Whitworth Library 208 Mon 28th Mar 11-1pm
Clifford Whitworth Library 208 Fri 1st Apr 9-11am
Clifford Whitworth Library 208 Mon 4th Apr 11-1pm
Clifford Whitworth Library 208 Mon 9th May 11-1pm
Clifford Whitworth Library 208 Mon 16th May 11-1pm
Clifford Whitworth Library 208 Mon 23rd May 11-1pm

Allerton Library Seminar room Mon 21st Feb 2-4pm
Allerton Library Seminar room Fri 4th Mar 2-4pm
Allerton Library Seminar room Fri 11th Mar 2-4pm
Allerton Library Seminar room Fri 18th Mar 2-4pm


Adelphi Library Seminar room Fri 25th Feb 2-4pm
Adelphi Library Seminar room Mon 28th Feb 2-4pm
Adelphi Library Seminar room Wed 2nd Mar 2-4pm
Adelphi Library Seminar room Mon 7th Mar 2-4pm
Adelphi Library Seminar room Wed 9th Mar 2-4pm
Adelphi Library Seminar room Mon 14th Mar 2-4pm

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

New material tab now available on the library catalogue

There is a new tab on the library catalogue homepage which displays all of the new material that has arrived in stock in the last 7 days. To see the list, just click on the 'new material added in last 7 days' tab on the library catalogue, which can be accessed at: http://talisprism1.salford.ac.uk/TalisPrism/.

Friday, 7 January 2011

2010 exam papers now available online

Exam papers from semester 2, 2010 are now available online. They can be found, along with earlier exam papers, at: http://www.library.salford.ac.uk/resources/exampapers/.

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