Welcome to The Library's College of Arts and Social Sciences blog!

Welcome to CASS Library News. This blog is produced by the library's College of Arts and Social Sciences Academic Support Team to keep CASS staff and students up-to-date. It is updated regularly with new and important news such as improvements in the library, where to get subject specific help and other useful information!

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Library Closed for Refurbishment Until 30th Aug

Clifford Whitworth library is being refurbished this summer as part of the £1million investment programme in library services.  The library will be closed from 23 July until 30 August, while the refurbishment work takes place. During this time a temporary service will be set up on the second floor of Lady Hale, with 24/7 opening of computing facilities and individual and group study spaces. 

Books and other items normally held in Clifford Whitworth can be requested at the Lady Hale temporary desk, and will be fetched by library staff from storage at regular intervals during the day. Access will be via the Lady Hale main entrance.  The Library will continue to provide normal access to e-resources which are available anytime, anywhere. 

The web pages at www.salford.ac.uk/library/ldp provide up to date information on the Library Development Project.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Goodbye to Athens!

Staff and students are reminded that from the 10th June the Athens username and password is a thing of the past. Resource searches should be started from SOLAR, using your network username and password where required.  If resources are accessed via another route, the Login via your Institution / Library / Organisation / Shibboleth link should be used. This route will also require your network username and password.  This change should make accessing electronic books, journals and databases much easier as it removes the need to remeber additional usernames and passwords.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

LaSU training sessions for staff scheduled

There are LaSU training sessions now scheduled in May.  If you would to learn how to use LaSU to edit and maintain your reading lists, or if you would simply like a refresher, come along to one of our training sessions.  It is important that all LaSU reading lists are kept up-to-date to ensure that The Library order the correct resources.  The sessions are running on the following dates:

Friday 17th May 10am Adelphi Library room AC206
Monday 20th May 10am Clifford Whitworth room CW208
Wednesday 22nd May 10am Allerton Library room Clib203

To book on, please email your details and include the session you would like to attend to: cass-library@salford.ac.uk.

There is also a user guide available: http://www.library.salford.ac.uk/help/userguides/general/lasustaff.pdf.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Information Literacy Week: 22nd- 26th April

Next week is Information Literacy Week at Salford.  The Library will be having various events and drop-in sessions running all next week.  More information and a full list of events is available here:  http://www.salford.ac.uk/library/infolit/ilweek.
Some sessions require you to book on and the links for this are available from the webpage.

Sessions of particular interest to CASS students are:
  • Finding journal articles in Art & Design 
  • Preparing for exams 
  • e-submission and general referencing drop-ins 
  • MediaCityUK drop-in with Nicky Freeman 
  • Theses: how to find them

Monday, 15 April 2013

Next set of Turnitin drop-in sessions now scheduled

The next set of Turnitin drop-in sessions have been scheduled.  They will be held at Clifford Whitworth, Adelphi and Allerton libraries on a variety of dates and times.  If you need help with using Turnitin please come along to a session.  You do not need to book on, you can just turn up.  The session dates and times can be found here:  http://www.salford.ac.uk/library/help/esubmission.  There are also video clips and further help available here too.

New Art and Design resource

Students and staff now have access to a new Art and Design resource called Interior design and architecture: critical and primary sources.  This resource is reference only and is available on the open shelves in Adelphi Library at the class mark 729INT.  It comes in four volmes: 

Design awareness 
Sensory engagement 
Cinematic expectation 
Public interaction  

If you need any help finding it just ask at the Enquiry Desk in the library. 

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

New Postgraduate research study space now available

There is now a dedicated postgraduate research study space available for use in Clifford Whitworth library.  This is exclusively for use by postgraduate research students and is located on the ground floor of Clifford Whitworth library, opposite the Enquiry Desk.  You will need your ID card to access the room and access is restricted to postgraduate research students only.

Facilities in the room include:
  • Six PCs
  • Individual study tables
  • Soft seating areas 
 Take a look next time you're in the library!

Monday, 8 April 2013

Follow the library on Twitter!

You can now follow the library on Twitter!  To keep up-to-date with new resources, sessions taking place in the library and any new services follow us on Twitter:


Friday, 1 March 2013

Drama Online trial now running

We currently have access to a 90 day trial of the Drama Online Beta site.  This will be available until the 25th May and the resource includes scripts from both class and contemporary authors.  The link to access the site is as follows:  http://www.dramaonlinelibrary.com/.

Please do note the following points below:

-          The trial access is to the Beta site of Drama Online, so this is NOT the final launch site.
-          Therefore, there may be some bugs on the site. If there is anything in particular that does not seem to be functioning properly, please let us know and we can check with the Publisher whether this is a bug on the Beta site or not.
-          Not all the content will be on the Beta site. Drama Online will be launching this Spring with approx. 500 titles from the complete title list, and the Beta site currently has about 390 titles uploaded at the moment. The complete 2013 list will be added over the course of the coming months. You will also see that the Arden Shakespeare titles are not yet on the Beta site – the Publisher is just at the moment making some changes to fix some bugs around the scholarly notes. These will be available on the launch of the platform if not at some point during the Beta site trial.  

Please contact Maree Green if you have any feedback/comments on this resource: m.e.green@salford.ac.uk.

Thursday, 28 February 2013

IBIS World Database trial

We currently have a trail to the IBIS World database.  IBIS World is a database that provides market research reports on industries in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and China. Global industry reports for selected industries are also available.  IBIS World research reports contain trends, statistics and analysis on market size, market share of competitors, and industry growth rates. Performance analysis includes emerging industry trends as well as recent production performance and 5 year forecasts. 
You browse the database by industry or search the reports by keywords such as companies, industries, locations, etc. Archival content is available for each industry.  The trial runs from now to 31st May 2013.  

Log in to:   http://www.ibisworld.co.uk 

If you have any feedback about the database, please contact Sue Barker-Mathews:  s.c.barker-mathews@salford.ac.uk 

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

New Art & Design reference books now available

There are two new Art & Design related reference books now available in Adelphi Library. These 4-volume sets bring together articles and other scholarly writing on the topic areas.
Textiles: critical and primary sources
Key resource for researchers in the study of textiles, and related subjects such as: dress, costume and fashion; feminism and gender; art, design and cultural history. Shelved at 746 TEX.
Creative industries: critical readings
Brings together the important writings on this emerging field of study; also of use in Media Studies. Shelved at 338.477 CRE.
Please note: these books are on the open bookshelves, rather than the Quick Reference section.

A-N Magazine

Following the demise of the paper version of the journal, A-N Magazine, also known as Artists’ Newsletter, is now available online. It is a current awareness journal primarily aimed at visual artists but potentially also useful in other areas of Art & Design. It covers artist-led activity, events and exhibitions, education, and opportunities for development.
To access it:
  •  From SOLAR, choose the E-Journals link, then enter A-N Magazine in the search box, then click on the link for the journal’s title.  Alternatively, go straight to the A-N website www.a-n.co.uk
  • Either route will take you to the A-N homepage. Then, under Publications, choose A-N Magazine. You can now browse each issue as a PDF.
PLEASE NOTE: you will need your Athens details for off-campus access.
In addition, the following service is available for final-year art and design students:
a-n provides a FREE online a-n subscription for final year students on a BA or equivalent undergraduate art or design course. This is available throughout the final year and is claimable by each student by going to www.a-n.co.uk/student_subscription and signing up, then inserting a code from the menu provided. 

The benefits of this free subscription are:
Regular e-bulletins keeping students in touch in the run up to degree shows and guidance through the post-graduation period.  Full access to a-n's daily-updated Jobs and opps listings, located on the A-N website.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Postgraduate Open Days

If you have been thinking of staying on to continue your studies at postgraduate level then why not come along to an open day and find out more!  There is a postgraduate open day running tomorrow (Wednesday 20th February) from 3pm-7pm and another one scheduled for Wednesday 17th April, again 3pm-7pm.  For further information and location details check out our website here:

You will need to book onto the open day.  To do this you can register here:

Monday, 14 January 2013

Typography books now at Allerton Library

In response to staff and student demand in Graphic Design, a large selection of Typography books have been moved to Allerton Library.

They can be found around the shelf number 686, in the level 2 extension area of the library.  For help locating these, please ask at the Enquiry Desk on level 1.

Check online for PC availablilty

·          Students can now find out where there are available PCs to use in open access PC suites across campus by checking our new webpage found here:  http://www.salford.ac.uk/library/using/pcavailability.   
        The webpage gives the location of PCs, how many PCs are in the room and of those how many are already in use.  You can find out more about the new service here: http://students.salford.ac.uk/news/?id=1920.

Please note: The system shows PCs available at the time of viewing and this information is updated every 60 seconds.  However, it cannot guarantee a PC will be available by the time you arrive at the PC location.

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