Welcome to The Library's College of Arts and Social Sciences blog!

Welcome to CASS Library News. This blog is produced by the library's College of Arts and Social Sciences Academic Support Team to keep CASS staff and students up-to-date. It is updated regularly with new and important news such as improvements in the library, where to get subject specific help and other useful information!

Monday, 30 April 2012

Turnitin drop-in session cancelled

Due to unforeseen circumstances the following Turnitin drop-in session has been cancelled:
Adelphi Library Seminar Room
Tuesday 1st May
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. For the next available dates please visit: www.salford.ac.uk/library/help/turnitin
If you need help urgently, please visit the Enquiry Desk or contact your Academic Support Librarian.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

New group rooms at Clifford Whitworth!

There are now three extra bookable group rooms available for students to use at Clifford Whitworth library. To book them, just go to the Enquiry Desk with your ID card and staff will book you in.

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