Welcome to The Library's College of Arts and Social Sciences blog!

Welcome to CASS Library News. This blog is produced by the library's College of Arts and Social Sciences Academic Support Team to keep CASS staff and students up-to-date. It is updated regularly with new and important news such as improvements in the library, where to get subject specific help and other useful information!

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Library Christmas Opening Hours

This year we will be opening the Clifford Library every day over the Christmas week, 12 noon to 6pm. This is to provide study facilities for our members, especially our international students, who remain in Salford over the holiday.

The Library will be self service only and an ID card will be essential to gain entry.

24/7 opening will end at midnight on the 16th December.

Standard vacation hours:
Saturday 17/12/11 – Friday 23/12/11 (NB closed Saturday 17th)

Christmas opening (12 to 6pm):
Saturday 24/12/11 – Monday 02/01/12

24/7 opening: Tuesday 03/01/12 – Friday 20/01/12

Please refer to the Library web pages for specific opening times for Clifford Whitworth and information for other sites:

The Adelphi and Allerton Libraries will offer vacation opening from the 17th to the 23rd Dec and will be closed over the Christmas period.

Information Literacy Week: 28th Nov – 2nd Dec 2011

Do you find it easy to find the information you need for your assignments? Do you know how to reference your work correctly? If the answer is no, then you need information literacy skills.
Information literacy skills can help you find and evaluate information quickly and effectively. Developing your critical thinking skills can lead to better results.

A range of activities, for students and staff, are taking place across the University during Information Literacy Week, to raise awareness of the importance of information literacy.
Take a look at our programme at http://www.informationliteracy.salford.ac.uk/prog/ which features a number of activities taking place during the week. These include practical drop-in sessions and workshops – all designed to raise awareness of the importance of information literacy.

Please encourage your students to come along to the hands-on sessions, covering a range of topics on how to:

· find information
· get the most from SOLAR
· reference their work
· use Turnitin: the University’s e-submission tool

For most of the activities don’t require you to book – but check the programme at http://www.informationliteracy.salford.ac.uk/prog/ for details.

Turnitin drop-ins still available!

There are still some Turnitin drop-ins running through November and December. If you want help using Turnitin, or just want to learn more about it you can come along to one of the sessions.

24/11/2011 14:00-15:00 Adelphi Library Seminar Room
25/11/2011 14:00-15:00 Allerton Library Seminar Room
28/11/2011 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209
30/11/2011 14:00-15:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209
02/12/2011 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209
09/12/2011 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209
12/12/2011 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209
15/12/2011 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209
05/01/2012 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209
09/01/2012 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209
11/01/2012 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209
12/01/2012 11:00-12:00 Clifford Whitworth Library room 209

They are free and you do not need to book - just turn up.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

New ProQuest Platform

A few months ago, we told you about the new platform from ProQuest

The old platforms - CSA Illumina and ProQuest legacy - will be switched off in early January 2011, and all users from Salford will be re-directed to the new platform.

If you have any questions or concerns about this, do raise them with the Library, and we will endeavour to assist you.

From January, if you have any saved searches or alters in the previous platforms, you will be able to transfer them over to the new platform automatically using the Import to My Research feature which will be available, or manually using the instructions here.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

New - Box of Broadcasts now available!

You can now access Box of Broadcasts from SOLAR!

BoB is a TV scheduling service that allows you to record TV and radio programmes that are scheduled to be broadcast over the next seven days as well as retrieving programmes from the last seven days from a selected list of recorded channels. It also has an archive of recorded programmes going back several years that you can use. It is likely to be of considerable use across all subject areas for providing streamed video material for teaching purposes.

To access Box of Broadcasts, just choose the Find Databases link, then choose Box of Broadcasts from the A-Z list. You will need your Athens username and password to access the resource, even on campus.

Library drop-in clinic at Media City

Andy Callen, the Academic Support Librarian for Media Music & Performance, provides a Tuesday clinic at Media City 1pm to 4pm – just turn up any time within these hours and ask for him at the Student Support Desk on the First Floor.

It is for MMP students and staff based at Media City.

Andy can provide one-to-one help with:

· Finding books and journal articles for your Assignments and Dissertations
· Harvard Referencing
· Electronic submission of work using Turnitin

It is also an opportunity to discuss the provision of books and other library materials at Media City.

Please contact Andy Callen on 0161 295 6183 or at A.Callen@salford.ac.uk for more details.

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