Welcome to The Library's College of Arts and Social Sciences blog!

Welcome to CASS Library News. This blog is produced by the library's College of Arts and Social Sciences Academic Support Team to keep CASS staff and students up-to-date. It is updated regularly with new and important news such as improvements in the library, where to get subject specific help and other useful information!

Monday, 29 November 2010

Turnitin training now available

Confused about Turnitin? Unsure how to use e-submission? The Academic Support Team have now set up a series of drop-in sessions where you can go for help on using Turnitin. There are sessions at each library site:

Clifford Whitworth Library - Room CW209
Tuesday 30th Nov 2-4pm
Wednesday 1st Dec 9-11am
Friday 3rd Dec 9-11am

Allerton Library - Level 4 Training Room
Thursday 2nd Dec 2-4pm
Monday 13th Dec 2-4pm
Thursday 16th Dec 2-4pm

Adelphi Library - Seminar Room
Wednesday 1st Dec 9-11am
Friday 3rd Dec 9-11am
Monday 6th Dec 9-11am
Wednesday 8th Dec 9-11am

You do not need to book onto these sessions - you can just turn up at the time/place specified. There is also a help guide and a video demonstration available on Blackboard, which is located under the 'study skills' tab.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

RFID at Clifford Whitworth Library

RFID is the new library system of issuing, returning and renewing items more quickly and easily. RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification, and brings state of the art equipment to the Clifford Whitworth library. Introducing RFID at Clifford Whitworth means big improvements for borrowers. You can take out multiple books in one go, as opposed to the old system of borrowing one item at a time on the machines. It also means you can pay fines using the machine instead of having to queue up at the desk to pay them. For more information, take a look at the website at: http://www.library.salford.ac.uk/using/borrowing/rfid/.

New for 2010! Library tours are now available

Struggling to find your way around the library? Or just wanting to learn where things are located in the library? There are now library tours available. These can be printed off the website or collected from the Enquiry Desks in the library. There are tours available for Allerton, Adelphi and Clifford Whitworth libraries. Tour stops are dotted around the library and all you need to do is follow the tour, looking out for the stops. The tours will give you useful information on where the books and journals are located, where you can access PCs and where group study rooms can be found, amongst much more. The tours can be found on each library site tab at: http://www.library.salford.ac.uk/sites/. Have fun!

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Adelphi library now opening at weekends

Adelphi Library is now open at weekends during term time. Adelphi Library is open from 12pm until 6pm Saturday and Sunday. Please note that the library will be self service only and will have no Enquiry Desk service. If you have fine to pay, you will need to go to Clifford Whitworth to do this. For more information, and to view the opening hours of all of our library sites, please visit our website at: http://www.library.salford.ac.uk/hours/.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Online Exam Papers Revamped

The online exam papers have undergone a revamp and now has a new
interface. Exam papers on all subjects from the last five years are available to view on the website which you can access both on and off campus. To view the online exam papers, you can either access them via the library website at: http://www.library.salford.ac.uk/resources/exampapers/
For help on searching for online exam papers, there is a help guide available which can be found at: http://www.library.salford.ac.uk/help/userguides/general/exmpprs.pdf.

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

New Student E-mail Service!

The University of Salford has introduced a new student e-mail system. This new facility allows increased functionality and is more intuative to use. Now, every student has a new email account. All students' old Webmail accounts will be kept until January 2011 although it is strongly recommended that when sending e-mails, all students should use this new e-mail service.

For more information on the new e-mail system, please see the website at: http://students.salford.ac.uk/news/?id=415.

For help accessing or using your new account, please refer to the user guide and FAQ documents:

Help guide: http://www.its.salford.ac.uk/students/email/studentemail.pdf
FAQ document: http://www.its.salford.ac.uk/students/email/faq.php

If you need further assistance, please contact the ITS Service desk on its-servicedesk@salford.ac.uk or by phone on 0161 295 2444.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

New Library Instant Messaging Service Launched!

From the 2nd of August The Library has launched a new instant messaging service. This facility allows you enter any library-related query through the Library website and get an instant response back. To make use of this facility, go to The library's website at: http://www.library.salford.ac.uk/. On the home page in the bottom left hand corner you will find the messaging service. Simply type in your query, submit it and wait for your response - it is as easy as that! Currently, the messaging service runs 9am - 12pm and 2pm - 4:50pm Monday to Friday. For more information on this service, visit: http://www.library.salford.ac.uk/askus/.

Friday, 30 July 2010

New Music Resource - IMSLP

Music students may be interested to know that there is now a new website called International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP). IMSLP is music website where you can download free, legal copies of classical music scores. The website can be found at: http://www.imslp.org/.

Monday, 19 July 2010

Good news for MMP students!

In response to student demand for access to these freeware packages, Celtx scriptwriting and Audacity sound editing software have been made available on networked university computers.

To access these packages:

From the Start Menu: Start – All Programs – Salford Applications – Software Titles A-E

From the Desktop: Application Explorer – Salford -– Salford Applications – Software Titles A-E

Monday, 21 June 2010

Improved Visual Arts Journal Display at Allerton Library

In response to academic staff and student demand we now have an improved current journals display at Allerton Library. Replacing the old display on Level 3, we now have a new stand in the Level 2 Extension (next to the art books and AV materials). It is a free-standing display adjacent to the soft seating area and displays all of the current issues of the Visual Arts journals held at Allerton Library. Please feel free to go and browse!

GoogleSketchUp and Kerkythea now available for Design students!

Good news for Design students! The freeware packages GoogleSketchUp and Kerkythea have now been made available on our open access PCs. To access either package, all you need to do is log on to a PC with your newtork username and password and then go to Start - All programs - Salford Applications. You then need to select Software Titles F-M for Kerkythea or Software Titles N-Z for SketchUp.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Document Delivery - new electronic delivery service

If a book or journal is not held in stock at the University of Salford, you can use our document delivery service. You now have the option of having journal articles delivered in electronic format to your desktop, using the Secure Electronic Delivery (SED) service from the British Library.

The Document Delivery request form offers the electronic delivery option, which requires you to provide an email address.

If the requested item is available electronically from the British Library, it will be delivered in electronic format as an Adobe PDF to your email account. If it cannot be provided electronically then a paper copy will be supplied as standard.

For further information, see our webpage at: http://www.ils.salford.ac.uk/library/using/document/?document=sed

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

New photocopying system - new printers to follow!

There are now new photocopiers installed in all three libraries across campus. These new machines provide improved photocopying facilities for staff and students. There is a new system in place and the old photocopying card system has been phased out. With the new system, your printing account is now used for both printing and photocopying. Each photocopier has a keypad next to it and requires you to enter your network username and password.

For more information about photocopying facilities, see our webpage at:
Should staff or students need assistance with the new photocopiers, Roving Support staff and Service Desk staff are available to help.
New printers will be introduced shortly - watch this space!

LaSU - Lists at Salford University

Salford has recently introduced LaSU - Lists at Salford University. LaSU is the new reading list system which provides students with seamless access to resources linked to the module they are studying. Students have access to their reading lists and each reading list has links to the library catalogue so you can see what resources we have and where to locate them. Staff are able to maintain their own reading lists (e.g. adding or deleting items). ILS are currently holding hour long training sessions throughout June and July for staff - for further information on what the session covers and how to book on, please see the 'Information for AMSS staff' section.

You can find out more information about LaSU as well as user guides on our webpage at: http://www.ils.salford.ac.uk/library/resources/lasu.php

Monday, 7 June 2010

Laptops now available in the library

Clifford Whitworth and Allerton libraries now have 50 laptops available for loan within the library. The laptops are available for three hour loan periods. To borrow one, visit the Service Desk located in the library and ask a member of staff. Adelphi library will introduce laptops in time for the next academic year. For further information on the conditions of borrowing a laptop, or to access a user guide for the laptops you can visit our laptop loans webpage at:

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