Welcome to The Library's College of Arts and Social Sciences blog!

Welcome to CASS Library News. This blog is produced by the library's College of Arts and Social Sciences Academic Support Team to keep CASS staff and students up-to-date. It is updated regularly with new and important news such as improvements in the library, where to get subject specific help and other useful information!

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Library Closed for Refurbishment Until 30th Aug

Clifford Whitworth library is being refurbished this summer as part of the £1million investment programme in library services.  The library will be closed from 23 July until 30 August, while the refurbishment work takes place. During this time a temporary service will be set up on the second floor of Lady Hale, with 24/7 opening of computing facilities and individual and group study spaces. 

Books and other items normally held in Clifford Whitworth can be requested at the Lady Hale temporary desk, and will be fetched by library staff from storage at regular intervals during the day. Access will be via the Lady Hale main entrance.  The Library will continue to provide normal access to e-resources which are available anytime, anywhere. 

The web pages at www.salford.ac.uk/library/ldp provide up to date information on the Library Development Project.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Goodbye to Athens!

Staff and students are reminded that from the 10th June the Athens username and password is a thing of the past. Resource searches should be started from SOLAR, using your network username and password where required.  If resources are accessed via another route, the Login via your Institution / Library / Organisation / Shibboleth link should be used. This route will also require your network username and password.  This change should make accessing electronic books, journals and databases much easier as it removes the need to remeber additional usernames and passwords.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

LaSU training sessions for staff scheduled

There are LaSU training sessions now scheduled in May.  If you would to learn how to use LaSU to edit and maintain your reading lists, or if you would simply like a refresher, come along to one of our training sessions.  It is important that all LaSU reading lists are kept up-to-date to ensure that The Library order the correct resources.  The sessions are running on the following dates:

Friday 17th May 10am Adelphi Library room AC206
Monday 20th May 10am Clifford Whitworth room CW208
Wednesday 22nd May 10am Allerton Library room Clib203

To book on, please email your details and include the session you would like to attend to: cass-library@salford.ac.uk.

There is also a user guide available: http://www.library.salford.ac.uk/help/userguides/general/lasustaff.pdf.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Information Literacy Week: 22nd- 26th April

Next week is Information Literacy Week at Salford.  The Library will be having various events and drop-in sessions running all next week.  More information and a full list of events is available here:  http://www.salford.ac.uk/library/infolit/ilweek.
Some sessions require you to book on and the links for this are available from the webpage.

Sessions of particular interest to CASS students are:
  • Finding journal articles in Art & Design 
  • Preparing for exams 
  • e-submission and general referencing drop-ins 
  • MediaCityUK drop-in with Nicky Freeman 
  • Theses: how to find them

Monday, 15 April 2013

Next set of Turnitin drop-in sessions now scheduled

The next set of Turnitin drop-in sessions have been scheduled.  They will be held at Clifford Whitworth, Adelphi and Allerton libraries on a variety of dates and times.  If you need help with using Turnitin please come along to a session.  You do not need to book on, you can just turn up.  The session dates and times can be found here:  http://www.salford.ac.uk/library/help/esubmission.  There are also video clips and further help available here too.

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